After School Advantage
Education is a top priority and a major focus of Northstar New Jersey’s philanthropic efforts. The After School Advantage program is a flagship initiative that provides qualifying nonprofit community agencies with state-of-the-art, Internet-ready computer centers.
To date, GTECH, of which Northstar New Jersey is an affiliate, has launched more than 200 After School Advantage computer centers in 24 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Canada, Jamaica, Chile, Colombia, and Trinidad and Tobago. This effort has resulted in donations to community organizations of over $3 million since 1999. Northstar New Jersey launched its first After School Advantage computer lab on January 28, 2014 in Trenton, New Jersey, and has three additional labs planned for the year. Northstar is now accepting applications on a rolling basis for 2015.
For a program overview and proposal guidelines, please view the ASA Guidelines page. For more information, please contact Sarah Brennan at (609) 599-3880 or by email at