Responsibly Delivering Growth

Northstar New Jersey’s After School Advantage Program Guidelines


The Northstar New Jersey After School Advantage Program is a global community investment program, which provides qualifying non-profit community agencies and public schools with state-of-the-art computer labs. These computer centers are designed to provide urban children aged five to 15 with a meaningful, yet fun, learning experience during the critical after-school hours, in a safe environment. This initiative is meant to provide an otherwise unavailable educational experience and bridge the digital divide among at-risk children. By applying our knowledge and expertise to this type of program Northstar New Jersey hopes to increase children's interest in careers in computers and provide them with the necessary tools to help them become more competitive in school and in today's job market.


Key Facts:

Our corporate philanthropic guidelines put education, youth and technology first. The After School Advantage Program fits those ideals. Listed below are some key facts about the Program:

• After School Advantage computer labs were first implemented by GTECH, of whom Northstar New Jersey is an affiliate, and have been developed in states and countries where GTECH conducts business worldwide (this pertains to jurisdictions where GTECH is the online lottery services provider).

• In New Jersey, Northstar NJ donates up to $15,000 in state-of-the-art computers, technology, computer software, and volunteer hours to each after-school program selected within the state.

• The program targets minority and at-risk children aged five to 15.

• Northstar New Jersey employees will work with each agency to design and develop a fully operational Computer Center.

• With one paid workday-per-year to volunteer at any organization, Northstar NJ employees will be encouraged to remain active in their local After School Advantage Program after the centers are up and running.

To determine which agencies are selected for the After School Advantage Program, a thorough review of proposals submitted by community-based after-school programs is conducted.


Implementation Schedule:

Since the launch of the After School Advantage Program in 1999, GTECH has installed more than 200 computer centers in the District of Columbia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, Rhode Island, Texas, Oregon, Georgia, California, Kentucky, Ohio, Arizona, New Jersey, Michigan, Kansas, Wisconsin, New York, Colorado, Missouri, Louisiana, Illinois, New Mexico, Virginia, Idaho, Florida, Tennessee, Nevada, and Washington.

Northstar New Jersey launched its first computer lab in January 2014 at the CYO of Mercer County on South Broad Street in Trenton, New Jersey. There are three more labs planned for launch in 2014, and Northstar is now accepting applications on a rolling basis for 2015.


After School Advantage Computer Center Guidelines:

All selected After School Advantage organizations will be required to adhere to the guidelines listed below:

• The After School Advantage Program Computer Center will be used primarily to provide children aged five to 15 with a meaningful and enjoyable learning experience during after school hours.

• The After School Advantage Program Computer Center will be supported as any other valuable resource within the organization.

• Efforts will be made to provide a well-organized computer-based educational environment in which children can learn computer skills and use these resources to complete educational projects.

• The use of After School Advantage Program Computer Center will be supervised to ensure it is not used for illegal, dangerous, or illicit activities.

• The After School Advantage Program Computer Center should not be used primarily for the purpose of playing video games that have no educational merit.


Qualification Criteria:

Northstar New Jersey After School Advantage sites must meet the following criteria:

• Must be a non-profit 501(C)(3) community agency or public school.

• Is your organization located within New Jersey?

• Must have an existing after-school program in need of a computer lab.

• Must serve disadvantaged youth aged five to 15, of diverse backgrounds.

• Must have staffing and monetary support systems in place to sustain the lab.


Proposal Guidelines:

Include the following contact information:

Organization Name, Address, City, State Zip, Address, Fax, Agency Executive, Contact Person


Include information on Program criteria:

• Is your organization a non-profit 501(C)(3) community agency?

• Is your organization located within New Jersey?

• Does your organization have an existing after school program in need of a computer lab?

• Does your organization support disadvantaged youth of diverse backgrounds? Please explain demographic ratios.

• Does your organization have staffing and monetary support systems in place to sustain the lab once it is in place?

Include answers to the following organizational questions:

• What is the basic purpose of your charitable organization?

• What age group does your after school program serve?

• What days and hours is your after school program open?

• Does your after school center encourage parent participation? If so, please explain how parents are involved.

• How many students are served by your after school program?

• How many computers (if any) are currently being utilized by your after school program?

• What is the current student to computer ratio?

• Please describe the computer equipment currently used in your lab?

• Describe computer lab staffing and their qualifications.

• What is your organization's vision for the lab?

• What are some measurable performance indicators? How will the success of the program be evaluated?

• What is the frequency and level of detail for reporting to Northstar New Jersey on the program's progress?

• Is there any financial and/or in-kind support available for the program other than Northstar New Jersey’s?

Attach the following items:

• Copy of IRS Exemption letter verifying 501(C)(3) tax-exempt status.

• Current operating budgets and sources of income.

• List of names and professional affiliations of directors and trustees.

• Latest audited financial report.

• Picture of the room(s) where the lab(s) would be installed.


Submit proposal to:

Northstar New Jersey After School Advantage Program

Corporate Affairs Department
1333 Brunswick Avenue, Suite 400
Trenton, New Jersey 08648

Proposals are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. Please be concise and use the above After School Advantage Proposal Guidelines when constructing your proposal.